Qu'est-ce que my in-laws are obsessed with me ?

"My in-laws are obsessed with me" is a phrase that describes a situation where someone's spouse's parents or family members show an unusual level of interest or fixation on that person. It implies that their behavior goes beyond the normal bounds of familial affection or concern, and may be excessive or invasive.

This phrase is often used in a humorous or exaggerated sense to describe a challenging dynamic between a person and their in-laws. It can highlight the difficulty of navigating a relationship in which the in-laws may have excessive expectations, constant interference, or an overbearing presence in the individual's life.

Such an obsession may manifest in various ways. For example, the in-laws might constantly monitor the person's activities, offer unsolicited advice or opinions, invade their privacy, or excessively compare them to other family members. This can create tension, disrupt boundaries within the relationship, or even strain the individual's relationship with their spouse.

Dealing with in-laws who are obsessed with you can be challenging. Setting and enforcing boundaries in a respectful manner, having open and honest communication with your spouse, and seeking professional help (such as couples therapy) can be useful strategies to navigate this situation.

It's worth mentioning that not all in-law relationships are like this, and many individuals have positive and healthy relationships with their in-laws. However, when an obsession is present, it can cause stress and strain on all parties involved.